01293 855 787

Cover you can be confident in...

Contact Us

Contacting is easy. Get in touch with us by email or telephone


Please call us on 01293 855 787

Monday to Friday: 08:30 to 18:00

Saturday: 09:00  – 17:00


If you’d prefer to email us, please contact us at [email protected]

Medical Emergency Assistance

You must contact the Medical Emergency team before you incur any expenses over £500. If you are unable to contact them immediately then you (or someone representing you) must contact them within 48 hours of the event.

If you purchased your policy on, or after the 27 July 2023, please contact:

Inter Partner Assistance’s Medical Assistance team on 02045 179 879 if you are in the UK, or +44 (0) 2045 179 879, if you are outside the UK.

If you purchased your policy between 14 April 2020 and 26 July 2023, please contact: 

Mayday Assistance on 00 44 1273 071784 or email [email protected], quoting your policy number.

Important Information About Bigbluecover

Your right to complain

We always aim to provide a first class service. However, if you have any cause for complaint, please address these in the first instance to:

The Compliance Manager,
ROCK Insurance Group,
Griffin House,
135 High Street,
West Sussex,
RH10 1DQ
Email[email protected]

If you purchased your policy on or after the 27 July 2023

For complaints about how a medical assistance case, or claim have been handled you should contact: 

Complaints Team
AXA Partners
The Quadrangle
106-118 Station Road
Phone: 02045 179 879
Email: [email protected]

If you purchased your policy between 14 April 2020 and 26 July 2023

For complaints about how a claim has been handled you should contact:

Reactive Claims Limited
PO Box 353
GU34 9LE
Email: [email protected]

For complaints about how an assistance case has been handled you should contact:

The Mayday Group,
1 Clifton Mews
Clifton Hill
Email: [email protected]

If you are still not satisfied you can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service:
Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower,
Harbour Exchange Square,
E14 9SR
Phone: 0800 023 4567
Email: [email protected]
ROCK Insurance Group adheres to the Alternative Dispute Resolution Regulations 2015 EU Directive. You can access the Online Dispute Resolution Portal here.